CRM Software- Are You Using It?

Customer Relationship Management Software or CRM Software, is an information system that is being widely implemented in businesses throughout the world.  Customer Relationship Management Software incorporates all the vital functions of a company into easy to use software, in order to track progress and production, reduce costs, and increase overall profitability.  Most Customer Relationship Management Software has a broad spectrum of functions.

Functions of Customer Relationship Management Software

Many companies have Customer Relationship Management Software designed specifically for the company’s unique needs.  There are also many companies that offer generic software with many available functions.  Some of the many purposes to implement a Customer Relationship Management Software are:

  • Organization
  • Maintain positive interactions with customers
  • Track and improve sales productivity
  • Customer service and technical support

Customer Relationship Management Software automates all the different functions of a company, bringing them together on a technology based platform.  CRM Software will streamline the processes, resulting in higher productivity and more positive customer relationships.


Organization in business is the best way to increase your efficiency as a company.  As you become more efficient, you then become more profitable.  Customer Relationship Management Software is a system of technology-based organizational tools.  With designated CRM software for your company, you may organize client information, account analytics, sales representative progress and attempts.  Most CRM software organizes numbers, and produces reports and analytics that can be highly valuable to the company’s overall production.

Positive Interaction with Customers

Your customer’s perception of your company is formed through their interactions with you.  Fostering positive relationships is very important in the retention of customers.  Customer Relationship Management Software (CRM software) provides a channel of communication that is efficient, and exact.  Technology platforms are heavily used in communicating with customers, such as a web-based customer interface that allows the customer to log into an online database with information pertinent to their account.  This form of communication is very effective, in that it allows the customer to check on their individual account, and gives them the flexibility to do it at a time that is convenient for them.

Sales Productivity

Businesses heavily rely on the acquisition and retention of active customers or clients.  In most cases, a sales force or strategy is implemented.  Customer Relationship Management Software is highly effective in organizing and enforcing a streamline sales process.  Customer Relationship Management Software will track and record each sales attempt and follow through the sales process from the initial contact to the final sale.  You may also organize your sales force into territories, and track the productivity of your sales force. 

Customer Service and Technical Support

Customer Relationship Management Software is crucial in technical support and customer service.  Most customer service issues are directed to call centers.  Call centers depend on technologically advanced software to route appropriate calls and allow the employees to resolve customer concerns.  Without appropriate CRM software, call center workers would not have the necessary information about customer accounts in order to effectively resolve their issues.

Who needs Customer Relationship Management Software?

CRM Software is very diverse and can be used in many different business situations.  For large companies, it would be an absolute necessity in order to organize information and reduce costs.  Small companies can also greatly benefit from the use of Customer Relationship Management Software.  The functionality is such that it streamlines ordinarily mundane and tedious tasks, which largely increases productivity.

Freelancers and CRM Software

Freelancers may also be in need of CRM software in order to organize their work.  Many freelancers are providing a service for multiple clients, each with a specific need.  Often, depending on the nature of their work, their tasks can vary quite a bit from one client to another.  It can be difficult for freelancers to organize clients, specific detailed jobs, deadlines, etc, without software that is designed specifically for their needs.  Generic CRM software may also have the functions that are needed for freelancers to perform their tasks and organize their business.

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