Perils of Logo Design Contests

For those Seeking a Logo

Don’t use logo design contests. Logo design contests are tempting for many seeking a “cheap” logo for their company.  They get exactly that.  A design contest is where, after a brief description of what you are looking for, many “designers” submit their version of logo for your company and you then decide which one you like best, and submit payment.  The payment is very low, and has designers competing at much lower prices than a professional design studio.

While this sounds appealing, there are a few flaws in the system.  One, most of the designers are amateurs and your logo will be comprised of many (or most) of the “don’ts” on this list.  Contests are filled with stock photos, clipart and trends galore.  The quality is very poor.

For the Designer

Contests are also bad for the design industry. Many of the designers working on contest websites are in popular “outsourcing” countries.  This means they will work for less, but deliver even less.  Experienced or professional designers should not have to invest their time, and talent into a project that does not render payment, unless the contest is won.  This shows you the level of time and investment that the crowd sourcing contest designers are able to put into your design.  Hence, you will end up with the same caliber logo, which can harm your business.  Get a professional logo design.  The age old adage is true.  You get what you pay for.

This same aphorism holds true when contemplating using a online logo “warehouse.”  Most of the logos are mass produced and “unique” is not to be had.  Many of these companies have ads at the top of Google searches.  They usually promise high and deliver low.  A logo represents the company, and if it looks cheap or amateurish, so will the company.  It is not worth it.

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