Stock Photo Faux Pas

Stock Photo Faux Pas

Don’t use clipart or stock photos in logo designs. There are a few problems with doing this.  One, it is not original.  If you are creating a logo for a client, it should be original.  Stock art is readily available to all, which is why it is tempting to amateur designers.  Don’t do it.  It is surely being used by somebody else in the world; your client will see it at some point.  This cheapens the work and makes the logo and company it represents appear generic.

Another reason to avoid using clipart or stock images is the possibility of infringing on copyright laws.  By using stock art, even though you have purchased rights to the art, you may not be authorized to use it in a corporate design.  This is a very basic logo designing rule and most professional designers wouldn’t think of it.  Stock images are widely used by Do-It- Yourselfers and small business owners.  Using stock images is major design faux pas.

Seen these photos before?  I mean, today.  Have you seen them today.

Any seasoned designer will be able to spot clipart or stock photos right away.  Even a lot of people that are not in design will be able to recognize stock photos.  Resist the temptation, whether you are designing for yourself or for a client.

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