Top 5 Funniest Ads of 2009

Just 4 months have passed and the year 2009 is going so strange for a number of reasons. From the world economy plumbing to its depths to Obama reaching the heights …its going crazy… and the cherry on the icing is Alfie …  a “brave” but “baby-faced” 13 [seems no more than 8] years old ...

Top 5 Web 2.0 Logos

Top 5 Web 2.0 Logos
Web 2.0 logos are all the rage. Just visit any design contest site and you’ll find that most companies are looking for a Web 2.0 logo for their website. But just what does Web 2.0 mean anyway? The term Web 2.0 refers to the 2nd generation of the Web, aimed at the collaboration and sharing ...

Favicons: The Mini Logos

Favicons: The Mini Logos
A favicon, short for “favorites icon”, is a 16 x 16 image that resides on a browser’s url bar, browser tab, and in a browser’s “Favorites” folder. Its main purpose is to create brand awareness. Just like a logo helps to identify a company, a favicon helps to identify a website to new and returning ...

Fonts Of Famous Logos

Fonts Of Famous Logos
Typographic logos are the simplest logos, but oftentimes the most difficult to design. They rely only on the text and typeface of a company’s name to convey its message. But merely choosing the first font you come across is simply not enough. Many fonts are already in use by other companies. Each typographic logo, then, ...

Paul Rand: The Grandfather of Logo Design

Paul Rand: The Grandfather of Logo Design
Although most people may not be familiar with the name Paul Rand, most everyone is familiar with his work. From the logos of companies like UPS and IBM to the logos of Enron and Westinghouse, you name it and Paul Rand probably designed it. Rand has often been regarded as the greatest designer of all ...